Sunday, November 1, 2015

Back On Track...kind of.

Hey well, I'm back.

The past few months have been dealing with my own personal lack of good health and producing a new body of work I'm displaying in my exhibition in Melbourne at the moment.

If you didn't already know Comedy Quest is now downloadable for FREE on Steam. A mayor update is on the way. With addition voice acting from Fabian Lapham as the Kid again. Also a few fixes and adding of Steam Achievements. I will let you know as soon as I am ready to release it as one mayor update rather than a little ones.

Comedy Quest on Steam FREE

The Big Empty is on hold at the moment as I am considering starting again using Game Maker Pro Studio rather than adventure game studio. I feel I want to make a more polished game and this would be the best way to do it.

Also due to the reasonably positive feedback about Comedy Quest I am very interested in working on Comedy Quest II which will be more like some kind adventure game cartoon than 8bit pixel of the first game.

Any ideas for future updates or games appreciated thanks for reading this far.
Hopefully regular news updates from now on.
-Trav Nash

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Comedy Quest gets Greenlit on Steam

I kind of gave up all hope this would happen but for some reason Comedy Quest got Steam got Greenlit today on Steam.
So I will be revisiting Comedy Quest and see if I can add achievements for Steam users.


Big thanks to anyone who took the time to vote or play the game.
I really appreciate it.

-Trav Nash

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Big Empty February Update Part 2

A lot of time has now been added to a short little intro scene that I feel still has you in control and doesn't drag on so much. Small little things like random birds and game titles have been added.

Any feedback would be appreciated in the comment section below.
Also subscribe for all future development on this game.
-Trav Nash

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Big Empty February Update

A little more progression on The Big Empty this week. A slight tweak to the screen so it's wide screen for modern computers. Although i am having problems running the game in full screen.

I've done some experimenting with a random ambient generator. Each screen has a series of ambient tones and they over lap one another given an other world feel to the environment.

A lot of ideas from this had altered by idea for the story. Hopefully more fleshed out scenes in up and coming video. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Happy 2015

Hey to all hope it's been a good start to a new year for you.
After many starts and stops and then starting again.
I've decided on a new art style for my new game the Big Empty.
Here is a screen shot of todays progress.

I've also up loaded a new walk cycle for the new main hero design. Thorn on my instagram.
Follow my page for more news on this game. I have some pretty cool ideas for it.